How much are union dues?
IAM typically charges members a percentage of their pre-tax, gross income as base union dues. The more money you make, the more money you pay to the union in dues. Does that mean people who pay more get more attention or better representation from the union?
In 2023, IAM collected anywhere from $781.68 - $1,216.80 from its members in base annual dues. And remember, unions are permitted, and often do increase the amount of dues members are required to pay.
What if I don’t want to join the union or pay dues?
Under Virginia law, you are not required to pay dues to become a voting member, but if the union does win, opting out may not be in your best interest because the terms of any contract negotiated still apply to you, and you do not get to vote on the contract.
How does the union collect union dues?
If a union gets voted in, they can ask the Garden to take union dues straight from your paycheck, and this is what typically happens. The dues will likely be automatically deducted from your paycheck.
Wouldn't we control how our dues are spent?
No. All spending decisions are made by the IAM to support the union's payroll, overall operations, and political goals—whether you agree or not
Can IAM increase dues?
Yes. Unions are free to raise dues any time they want.
Can the Union collect other monies besides dues?
Yes, the Union can also charge initiation fees and other fines, fees and assessments, such as a fine for crossing an established picket line.